Prof Steven McPhail joins Senior Academic Leaders in Digital Health Council 

The Digital Health Cooperative Research Centre (DHCRC) has formed an Australian Council of Senior Academic Leaders in Digital Health (ACSALDH; the ‘Council’) – a national, cross-university network advocating for the advancement of digital health. Professor Steven McPhail, Centre Director at the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation, will represent QUT in this new partnership comprising 36 founding member universities.

The Council has been established to harness the combined academic power of senior leaders to promote the application of digital health in Australia through collaboration and evidence-based research, initially focusing on four priority areas:

  • Provide strategic leadership in the higher education and health sectors related to digital health scholarship.
  • Strengthen the quality and value of academic education and scholarly research activities in digital health.
  • Advocate for effective investment in digital health education and research.
  • Represent, engage and reflect higher education institutions’ needs and perspectives, to enhance their impact.

DHCRC CEO Annette Schmiede said the Council would be a unique forum to identify priority areas and opportunities for collective action and advocacy from across the higher education sector.

“The future of Australia’s health sector depends on the ability to build and scale digital health knowledge, innovation, commercialisation and research translation,” Ms Schmiede said. “This requires an industry-informed, academically powered, research agenda to inform investment in infrastructure support, and most importantly a collaborative and collective approach.”

“Creating opportunities for collaboration is why the DHCRC was established, and the formation of this Council is a milestone that will help fast track the integration of digital health research into practice.”

This coordinated, collective approach across Australia’s universities aims to drive collaboration in digital health research and education, ultimately contributing to the health and economic prosperity of Australians.

Read the Digital Health CRC news story.

Media contact
Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation: Sian Conway Lamb, 07 3138 6087,