Training and Education

AusHSI provides a number of training and education options, depending on you or your organisations needs.

Our services range from a number of short course options in our key capability areas, a graduate certificate in health management, and opportunities for mentoring and supervision by our AusHSI researchers while completing a higher degree research qualification.

Find out more below, or email us at

Short Courses

AusHSI provides a range of training and development options to suit the needs of different health service organisations. These include a range of practical short courses (see below for details). We also offer in-house courses, which can be drawn from our existing offering or designed to meet your organisation’s specific requirements.

To date, we have trained over 500 healthcare professionals in cost effectiveness methods and other related disciplines. By sharing our expertise, we strengthen our commitment to building capacity in health services to implement and sustain innovations.


In this three day course, you will develop applied skills in cost-effectiveness analysis


A one-day statistics refresher course for people who have had some practical experience with statistics

Implementation and translation

Learn how to set up an implementation project, how to facilitate the process, and how to evaluate its impact

Value-based healthcare

This workshop will allow you to formalise select economic theories, relevant to the allocation of scarce healthcare resources

Graduate Certificate

In 2018, AusHSI led development of a new Graduate Certificate in Health Science (Health Services Innovation major). The Graduate Certificate is an Australian first, aiming to refocus health services towards innovation and value-based care.

For more details click here, or call (07) 3138 0307.