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Oceanic Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards & the J.K. Barrie award for Overall Excellence

Senior Fellow in Statistics with AusHSI, Dr Susanna Cramb was instrumental in developing the Australian Cancer Atlas through her work with Cancer Council Queensland.

Last October, the Australian Cancer Atlas was announced as the Queensland winner in the Spatial Enablement category of the 2019 Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Award, awarded by the Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute.

The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) is the national peak body catering for the spatial information industry, with the  Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards considered one of their premier events. These awards celebrate the achievements of top spatial information enterprises and individuals. Winners of the regional awards, such as the Australia Cancer Atlas, go on to be considered for the Oceanic Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards.

On May 28th, the Australian Cancer Atlas was announced as the winner of the Oceanic Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Awards in the Spatial Enablement category, as well as the J.K. Barrie award for Overall Excellence. This is Oceanic Asia-Pacific’s most prestigious award, according to Spatial Source: “…The J.K Barrie award recognises Keith Barrie’s selfless contribution to the professional and business communities, and represents the highest pinnacle of spatial achievement that the judging panel can confer on recipients.”

The Australian Cancer Atlas was a joint project between Cancer Council Queensland, QUT and FrontierSI. You can read about all the winner and finalist here.

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