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Launch of “Solutions to the Chronic Wounds Problem in Australia: A Call to Action”

By March 15, 2018 No Comments

On the 15th of March 2018, AusHSI collaborated with the Queensland Department of Health Clinical Excellence Division, Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane North PHN and the Wound Management Innovation CRC to launch the recommendations paper ‘Solutions to the Chronic Wounds Problem in Australia: A Call to Action’.

This report was the culmination of the work achieved through stakeholder engagement at the Chronic Wounds Solutions Forum, held on the 31st of August 2017, as well as the input of the Chronic Wounds Solutions Collaborating Group, formed by Dr Rosana Pacella of AusHSI.

The paper outlines attainable recommendations and solutions to the barriers to improvement faced by those involved in the field of chronic wounds.  The report outlines detailed actions to ease the growing economic and social burden that chronic wounds bring to the health system and the patients who live with them, with recommendations aimed at federal and state governments, clinicians, and patients and their carers.

The launch of the paper was a feature of the Metro North Hospital and Health Service’s 2018 Chronic Wound Care Conference held at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Education Centre.

Representatives of the collaborating bodies, including Wounds Australia CEO Anne Buck gave short presentations endorsing the paper, with AusHSI Academic Director Professor Nick Graves providing insight into value based health care.  Dr Rosana Pacella presented the call to action and the large group of clinicians and healthcare providers present acknowledged the importance and potential for impact of these important recommendations.

‘Solutions to the Chronic Wounds Problem in Australia: A Call to Action’ can be viewed here.