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Knowledge Translation Workshop: Implementing Evidence into Practice

By July 15, 2018 No Comments

AusHSI, in collaboration with Flinders University, the University of Adelaide, Qld Health Metro North HHS and the SA Academic Health Science and Translation Centre, will deliver a 3 day Knowledge Translation workshop, hosted by Flinders University at Tonsley.

Date: 20-22 August 2018
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Venue: Flinders University at Tonsley

Have you ever tried to get a new guideline or piece of evidence into your everyday practice, and been surprised by how long it took and how complex it was? Did you struggle to measure the project’s success?

This workshop covers three-days of highly interactive and outcome focused content that covers the essential skills and knowledge needed to facilitate the implementation of evidence and innovation into everyday practice.

Course outline
This is a participatory course, with interactive group discussions, role-play and group activities. Course content will cover;
• What is knowledge translation and why is it important?
• What are the key constructs in implementation science?
• Theories, models and frameworks, and how they can help
• Who needs to be involved? How to engage and understand who needs to change
• Introduction to context assessment
• What are the strategies that will support change?
• Who are the decision makers for scaling up, and how will they decide?
• Who is going to support the change?
• Fidelity versus adaption: how much can we change the recipe?
• How do we know we have made a difference?

For further information, please contact Sarah Hunter on sarah.hunter@flinders.edu.au or (08) 8201 3120

Refer to the Knowledge Translation Flyer for full details and how to register