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HSRAANZ Registrations open Tuesday 30th May

The time for value-based, patient-centred healthcare is here.

AusHSI’s mission is to empower health decision-makers to implement and sustain innovations for better health services by providing insights from research. In keeping with this AusHSI is proud to be hosting the 10th Health Services and Policy Research conference to be held 1-3 November on the Gold Coast.  The 2017 HSRAANZ conference will focus on current and future priorities for resources in acute and primary care, in order to achieve a sustainable and functional system into the future.

AusHSI will work closely with our partner Queensland Health, to ensure the conference features the latest in outcomes-focused research, with a focus on promoting partnerships between clinicians and academics from Australia and abroad.

Workshops will include a half-day intensive on translating knowledge into practice, further highlighting our commitment to enabling the uptake of research.

Committed to bringing new ideas to the event, AusHSI is excited to confirm these new sessions for HSRAANZ17:

  • Shark Tank plenary featuring senior health services decision makers responding to pitches from health services professionals/researchers seeking financial investment in integrated care innovations.
  • Themed plenary sessions: “Academia meets Practicing Clinicians” allowing for two perspectives on a topic, with a broad theme of improvements for better health services.

Keynote speaker announcements to follow

Registrations open 30 May
Abstract submissions close 9 June

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