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Chronic Wounds Solutions Forum

By August 28, 2017 No Comments

In partnership with Queensland Health, Brisbane North PHN and Wounds Innovation CRC, AusHSI hosted the Chronic Wounds Solutions Forum at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital on Thursday 31st August.

Chronic wounds place an economic burden on the healthcare system, and a financial, physical and emotional burden on individuals. Led by AusHSI’s Dr Rosana Pacella and facilitated by Luke Worth from MNHHS/RBWH, this forum brought together 90 clinicians, hospital administrators, policy makers and patients to discuss potential solutions to these challenges. AusHSI researchers synthesised evidence to describe barriers and facilitators for better services, and these were presented in the issues paper which was released prior to the forum.

The outcomes of the forum will be disseminated via a recommendations paper to be released later in the year.

The Issues paper: Chronic wounds in Australia, can be accessed via this link.