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BMJ Open: Development and pilot of a multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) tool for health services administrators

AusHSI was contracted to work collaboratively with the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) to develop a method for comparing projects across a range of outcomes. Due to the diverse nature of hospital and health service delivery, AusHSI developed a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) toolkit for health services executives and administrators that assisted in funding decisions based on return on investment, released capacity, patient outcomes, hospital safety, staff training, and risk.

The paper was accepted by BMJ Open and published in May 2019.

The methods and development are available in the full article. AusHSI can work collaboratively with organisations needing a more objective and informative process for funding health services projects to design and implement the tool on a local level. Please reach out to contact@aushsi.org for more information.

The full BMJ Open article is available here

The case study for this project is available on our website.