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AusHSI to deliver Children’s Hospital Foundation HSR Grant round clinics

By February 12, 2018 No Comments

AusHSI will provide expert advice to the 2018 Health Services Research (HSR) grant rounds run by the Children’s Hospital Foundation.  In addition to this, in 2018 we will facilitate a number of drop-in session to assist potential applicants with their HSR applications.  There are two rounds this year, General Health Services Research as well as Nutrition-related Health Services Research.

Clinics will be held at CCHR on:

16th February, 1pm-3pm

20th February, 10:30am-12:30pm

16th March, 1pm – 3pm

A half day writing workshop to be held on Monday 12th March 9am – 12noon.

These education sessions are only open to researchers eligible to submit grants to the CHF HSR 2018 grant rounds.