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AusHSI Grant Recipients Announced

By December 20, 2016 No Comments

Announcement of Health Services Research Funding Round Recipients

AusHSI currently oversees a funding scheme on behalf of Queensland Health which includes implementation and partnership grants of up to $150,000.  In 2016, this funding round attracted 26 implementation grant and eight partnership grant applications.  These applications followed an Expression of Interest round to ensure all potential applications met key criteria.

Implementation Grants

The implementation grants support groups to conduct health services research involving implementation and evaluation in a “real world” health service setting.  The focus of these projects is on providing evidence for health service changes that are both effective and sustainable.  Six groups were interviewed for these grants. Congratulations to the following collaborations who have been awarded implementation grants:

  • Associate Professor Anthony Smith, The University of Queensland and Dr Stephen Stathis, Child and Youth Mental Health Service (CYMHS). Building a Virtual Child and Youth Forensic Health Service
  • Professor Len Gray, The University of Queensland and Veronica Casey, Queensland Health. Evaluation of the implementation of a nursing assessment system for acute care
  • Dr Adrienne Young, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Tracy Comans, Griffith University. Malnutrition Models of Care: realigning resources to reduce low value services to improve nutritional care of acute hospital patients

Partnership Grants

The partnership grants support the formation of strong partnerships between Queensland-based health service professionals and researchers, to solve health services challenges that emerge from the experiences of healthcare professionals.  Three groups were interviewed in this funding round. Congratulations to the following groups who have been awarded partnership grants.

  • Professor Louise Cullen, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and Professor Nicholas Graves, Queensland University of Technology. The impact of ImpACT: A protocol to improve emergency chest pain assessment
  • Professor Matthew Brown, Metro South Health Service and Professor Nicholas Graves, Queensland University of Technology. How will the inclusion of novel information about gene mutations in patients being treated for leukaemia impact on clinical care, costs and health outcomes.

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