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2017 Lowbury Lecture, Birmingham UK

By November 14, 2017 No Comments

AusHSI Academic Director, Nick Graves has had the honour of being invited, on behalf of the Council of the Hospital Infection Society, to deliver the Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) 2017 Lowbury Lecture in Birmingham, UK on the 2nd December.

The Lowbury lecture is an annual event named after the first President of the HIS, the late Edward Lowbury, and will be delivered during the Federation of Infection Societies 2017 Conference. A pioneer, Edward Lowbury is the doyen of modern infection control and his work on matters as fundamental as disinfection of hands and cleaning hospital floors is still pertinent today.

Prof Graves will present his lecture titled Make Economics your friend to demonstrate that good economics methods can lead to good research designs and good decision making.  This will encourage the audience to use economics wisely and enjoy the dividends.

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