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Knowledge Translation Course – June 2019 Participant feedback

By June 26, 2019 No Comments

The 3-day Knowledge Translation workshop held in June, facilitated by experts from MNHHS, The University of Adelaide, Flinders University and AusHSI attracted a group of highly engaged and motivated clinicians and researchers from diverse professional backgrounds from as far as Mt Isa, Cairns, Townsville, Proserpine and Mackay.

We were delighted to have Health Consumers Queensland’s Senior Engagement Advisor, Jo Smethurst, as well as a consumer representative in attendance on day 3 to join our expert panel made up of Scott Bell (MNHHS), Amanda Dines (MNHHS) and Liza-Jane McBride (AHPOQ). Thank you all for your time and input.

Due to the limit on places, unfortunately quite a few people missed out this time.  Therefore, the facilitators have agreed to repeat this course in November.  Full details including dates and how to register will be distributed with the next AusHSI newsletter.

We received some fantastic feedback on this course! Participants said the best parts of the course were:

“Group work was great and using actual projects was valuable”. “The opportunity to practically explore the ideas in practical activities was really helpful for me.” “Seeing knowledge translation come to life in a project”. “Breaking down knowledge translation into ‘bite-sized’ pieces.” “Consumer representative comments about co-design were great.” “Consumer involvement! Reminds me why I am doing what I am doing”. “Brilliant Panel!”

Presenting their projects and engaging in discussions with the expert panel was highly valued by our participants and they particularly valued the sessions on consume involvement and selecting implementation strategies.

We are grateful for the support from Metro North HHS (particularly Metro North Allied Health), Clinical Excellence Queensland, AHPOQ, Health Consumers Queensland and our partners at AusHSI.