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After thirteen years at QUT building a strong team of researchers, and raising the profile of HSR nationally, I decided a sabbatical was in order, and was keen to find out more about implementation science. The University of Michigan is the place the go for this work.

Ann Arbor is a mid size college town in Michigan. It’s a sophisticated place with a nice food and drink scene and great culture scene. Last Saturday night I saw a ragtime extravaganza with a ragtime orchestra, burlesque dancers, duelling pianos and a Chairman who told bad Tommy Cooper jokes. All at the beautiful historic Michigan Theatre.

The University is spectacular. The school of public health is a minefield of big names, and after attending some PhD seminars, the quality of the research is very high. I am located at the Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation; they are committed to improving the quality, safety, equity, and affordability of health care services.


They house 450 researchers in one facility, many are hospital based clinicians who run health services research projects along side their clinical workload. This must be one of the largest concentrations of HSR people anywhere.

In the next few weeks I plan to connect with are Laura Damschroder, Sanjay Saint and Vineet Chopra. They are running very big implementation programmes and we have so much to learn from them. I have invitations to speak at the Cleveland Clinic, Columbia University, Iowa and Utah in the next few weeks.

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