
Healthcare professionals are immersed in the health system every day, and can see first-hand the areas that are wasteful and need improvement, but they sometimes lack the skills or time to collect the data and deliver a solution.

AusHSI has extensive hands-on experience of delivering innovation and improvements for better health services. We combine leading edge knowledge with experience in facilitating and delivering practical insights.

By partnering with AusHSI, organisations can benefit from expert guidance and services, as well as rigorous, evidence-based approaches that result in greater efficiencies and improved patient outcomes.

We partner on a consultancy basis with health service organisations to provide a range of solutions. Click here to find out more about our consultancy projects.

Our consultancy services

Research Prioritisation

AusHSI is adept at determining short- and medium-term challenges impacting health services that can be addressed through research. We help health service organisations set the priorities for funding rounds and also align internal research priorities.

We also review and evaluate proposed innovations or trial project outcomes, recommend projects that offer the most significant improvements to health services and provide best practice advice on research project methodologies, implementation and evaluation.

Training and Development

AusHSI provides a range of training and development options to suit the needs of different health service organisations. These include a range of practical short courses.  We also offer in-house courses, which can be drawn from our existing offering or designed to meet your organisation’s specific requirements.

To date, we have trained over 500 healthcare professionals in cost effectiveness methods and other related disciplines. By sharing our expertise, we strengthen our commitment to building capacity in health services to implement and sustain innovations.

For more information on our training courses, click here.

Health Services Evaluation

AusHSI undertakes evaluations of potential or actual health service changes, providing decision-makers with evidence-based insights to invest in innovations with optimal benefits and return on investment.

Our evaluation processes give decision-makers quality evidence to confidently reallocate budgets for better services. They also help determine which innovations should be supported for implementation, and guide future research and innovation investment strategy.

Implementation of Innovations

A potentially large barrier to innovation is knowledge of how to implement and sustain better services in a complex health services environment. While evidence to support innovations may be available, there is a need for evidence to be presented appropriately, for the context in which the innovation will happen to be understood, and for the active ingredient of facilitation to be added.

AusHSI is at the forefront of implementation research. We are skilled in designing and facilitating an implementation for a known innovation following a proven framework to ensure successful translation of evidence into practice.

We also build skills in implementation science through our training course.