Prof Jennifer Byrne Guest Seminar: Publishing in the age of research paper mills

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Prof Jennifer Byrne Guest Seminar: Choosing reliable journals and publishers in the age of research paper mills

Professor Jennifer Byrne is a cancer researcher who has studied the integrity of the cancer research literature since 2017. In this guest presentation, Prof Byrne will outline changes to research publishing that have occurred over the past 20 years. She will introduce paper mills as organisations providing undisclosed publishing services, including the fabrication of manuscripts at scale. She will then describe how manuscript submission requirements and researcher assessments are changing in response to paper mills, what these changes mean for researchers today, and outline steps that we can all take to read, review for, submit to and support quality journals and publishers.

Professor Byrne has spent her scientific career analyzing childhood and adult cancers at a molecular level. She is Director of Biobanking with NSW Health Pathology, and Professor of Molecular Oncology in the School of Medical Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney. She leads the PRIMeR group (Publication andResearchIntegrity inMedicalResearch) and is based at the NSW Health Statewide Biobank at Camperdown, NSW.

In Person: E558 (Level 5), QUT Education Precinct, Kelvin Grove
Online: Zoom (link sent after registration)

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