Since its founding in 2011, AusHSI has established itself at the forefront of excellence in health services research
Join us to celebrate our 10th anniversary with an evening that will showcase the impact AusHSI research has achieved for our health service partners over the last decade in creating greater efficiencies and improved patient outcomes.
The evening will also incorporate the launch of QUT Faculty of Health’s new Real Health lecture series. Our first Real Health topic Transforming healthcare – the next 10 years will discuss the acceleration of Australia’s need for more efficient healthcare services and what needs to be done to navigate this new reality successfully.
Professor Steven McPhail, AusHSI Centre Director and Co-Director of the Centre for Healthcare Transformation, will lead this discussion along with our industry panel:
Professor Keith McNeil
Acting Deputy Director-General, Chief Medical Officer (Prevention Division) and Chief Clinical Information Officer, Queensland Health.
Professor John Fraser
Director, Critical Care Research Group, The Prince Charles Hospital
Adj Professor Shelley Nowlan
Deputy National Rural Health Commissioner, Department of Health, Australian Government
Ms Melissa Fox
CEO, Health Consumers Queensland
5.00pm: Pre-event drinks
5.30pm: AusHSI celebration & panel
7.00pm: Networking
(Brisbane time)
Room Three Sixty, Level 10, Y Block, QUT Gardens Point Campus
Free – registration is essential.
Please note: our in-person session is now full.
Click here to register for the live-stream webinar or to be added to the in-person waitlist
RSVP – 25 October 2021