
What is the AIMOS conference?

2024-01-23T10:37:12+10:00October 7th, 2023|Blog|

If you've ever questioned typical scientific practice and wondered how it could be improved, then join us at AIMOS 2023. We can guarantee you will learn a lot about the workings of science and how we can all improve it.

World Bronchiectasis Day

2023-07-01T10:12:33+10:00July 1st, 2023|Blog, Respiratory|

World Bronchiectasis Day is held on 1 July and aims to raise awareness, share knowledge, and discuss ways to reduce the burden of bronchiectasis for patients and their families worldwide. Learn how the Cough and Airways Research group at AusHSI is focused on improving the lung health and quality of life of children with bronchiectasis.

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