About AusHSI

The Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) is one of Australia’s leading health services research centres, with strengths in Health Economics, Implementation Science, Statistics and Data Analysis. Based within QUT, we enable health service organisations to evolve and improve based on latest research. By combining leading-edge research knowledge with hands on experience, we generate practical insights and independent guidance on how to identify, implement and evaluate innovation for real life health practice problems.

Making Choices in Healthcare

2022-06-07T09:19:25+10:00May 31st, 2022|Blog|

A Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) is a method used to elicit individual preferences for different aspects of services, programs, or products. Learn how DCEs are being used in Health Services Research to understand how choices are made and predict future choice responses.

Celebrating Ten Years of Leading Research with Real World Impact

2021-11-17T10:59:14+10:00November 2nd, 2021|Blog|

Since its founding ten years ago AusHSI has embodied QUT’s Real World principles, notably the value of partnership to effect change in Australian health services. AusHSI’s research has partnered on numerous projects with practical benefits for clinicians, hospitals, aged care, and health consumers.

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