Queensland Injury Atlas
Why the research project is important
Despite the large burden on the healthcare system caused by injuries, there have only been limited Australian efforts to explore geospatial patterns, and none in Queensland.
What the research seeks to do
To determine feasibility, we initially created a prototype Queensland Injury Atlas, which modelled injury hospitalisations by patient residential statistical area 2 (SA2), gender, broad age groups (children, young adult, working age, seniors or total) and type of injury to identify injury variations above or below the State average.
The Atlas prototype was detailed: there were 67 injury subcategories by mechanisms, intent, activities, and types/region of injuries, to quantify the Statewide variations in incidence and costs of hospitalisation. Data could be examined in a univariate or bivariate manner to allow comparison of cases with costs, cases with cases or costs with costs.
No other Injury Atlas examines costing data, high geographical resolution nor such detailed injury classifications. Not only does this make it a unique resource worldwide, but the level of detail enhances its usefulness.
What are the research outcomes/ impact
The atlas found large variation across Queensland in the rates and costs of hospitalisations, and patterns often varied by age and gender. But it was restricted to hospitalisations, so for the next phase of the project we are investigating ways to utilise linked ambulance, aeromedical retrieval, emergency department, hospital and deaths data to better understand the patient journey and outcomes across the State. The Queensland Injury Atlas will be an innovative, interactive platform of use for clinical and policy decision making.
Funding Body
Motor Accident Insurance Commission
Further Details
For more information please contact Susanna Cramb or Kirsten Vallmuur.