Paul Kuwornu
Senior Research Fellow – Health Economics
Paul is a health economist with expertise in economics, financial engineering and biostatistics. As an experienced health services researcher, he uses a variety of innovative methods from different fields to study efficiency and equity issues across health and social care. Paul specialises in using population-based administrative health data for quasi-experimental designs and economic evaluations. His experience has international roots, most recently in Canada where Paul worked for world-class data-intensive research centres such as the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy and Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences.
Paul’s current research focuses on the economics of digital/virtual healthcare technologies. He is also interested in economic evaluations of lifestyle interventions, modelling socioeconomic disparities along healthcare pathways, designs of interventions to close enduring inequitable gaps, and population health data science. Paul is committed to providing actionable evidence to facilitate sustainable improvements in health outcomes. He has collaborated extensively with medical doctors, social workers, police officers, and policymakers on projects spanning health, social services, and law enforcement.