Kirsten Vallmuur
Program Lead – Trauma
Professor Kirsten Vallmuur is a Motor Accident Insurance Commission funded Chair of Trauma Surveillance and Data Analytics in a joint position between AusHSI and the Jamieson Trauma Institute (JTI) at RBWH, Metro North HHS. She leads the JTI Trauma Data and Analytics unit. Kirsten previously worked in the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety – Queensland as a Principal Research Fellow funded by an ARC Future Fellowship in consumer product safety research. Prior to that, she worked at the National Centre for Health Information Research and Training, leading the research team examining the quality and completeness of routinely collected injury data.
Kirsten’s research team is currently undertaking research projects drawing on linked trauma data, available through existing data systems in Queensland. Scoping the breadth and depth of data collected on trauma across the continuum of care, the team is developing best practice methods and tools for using and analysing linked trauma data to better understand the causes, trends, patterns, burden, costs and outcomes of trauma in Queensland. Kirsten has led several state and national competitive research and research consultancy projects using injury data to inform policy and prevention, working collaboratively with interagency government and non-government stakeholders.
Kirsten is a committee member of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons State and National Trauma Committees and the executive committee of the Australian Injury Prevention Network.